
Donate to the Campaign

We invite you to give your time, talent and money to advocate for strong school libraries, implementing the new Model School Library Standards and creating legislative action.  There are several ways to contribute to the Campaign for Strong School Libraries.

Here are ways you can donate:

  1. Donate directly to the public awareness Campaign - CLICK HERE or send a check to the California Campaign for Strong School Libraries at CSL Foundation, 6444 E. Spring Street #237, Long Beach, CA 90815-1553. 
  2. Become a FRIEND member of the California School Library Association. ($45/year).  Fill out the membership form.
  3. Show your support.
  4. Visit and buy items in the Campaign Gift Shop.
Your donations are tax deductible. The CSLA Foundation is a non-profit, tax exempt organization.  Tax ID = 501(C)3320-1864241